Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Break

So my Spring Break went ok. I didn't really do much other than go to Oklahoma to go see my cousins. It was pretty cool because I don't really get to see them much. Hopefully this fourth of July I will get to see them again. What more can I say...well as you guys all know there isn't much to do in Oklahoma other than to go to Wal-mart which is like the most fun you can have for shopping lol or the movies. At least I had the chance to relax right =/ Oh did I fail to mention I had to stay two extra days because my cousin had a baby boy...yea that was pretty much the highlight of my Spring Break! Well I hope you guys had a good Spring Break see you in class =)

1 comment:

Veronica :-) said...

Lol! I know about those kinds of vacations. Sometimes they are the best ones because they don't put a dent in your pocket. Wal-mart is the place anywhere you go I don't know what I would do without it. As long as you went and made it back safely is all that matters.